Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Getting Into Trouble

So Brevyn is cruising along. He is crawling and climbing everywhere. Giving us quite a few heart attacks. We can't turn our backs for one second or he is up to no good. This is only the beginning of him giving us a run for our money. :)

We're In Trouble Now

Brevyn is a little past 7 months and every day he amazes us. Now he is pulling himself up on EVERYTHING. We got a little video of him standing up in his crib. He is just so strong. We can't wait to see what he surprises us with next.

Lunch Lady?

When did our son become a Lunch Lady? Brevyn got a hold of a hairnet from daddy. He thought it was the greatest thing. For all you worry-worts, no worries. He was supervised by an "adult", well....Matt was there. :)

My Lexi

What's a little boy without his dog. Brevyn loves his Lexi and she loves him. She will let him do just about anything to her. The two are just a hoot!


What childhood would be complete without a bathtub photo? So, here is Brevyn's. Little guy LOVES the water and his toys. He could have stayed in there all night until he was nothing but a prune. Love him.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Little man has been a crazy little boy lately. He is moving all over now and loves to explore. He LOVES his doggies, Lexi is his best friend. As you can see, he is a typical man who has to have the remote control. Just love this little guy.